Friday, September 23, 2016

End of First Term

8th Grade:

First trimester is over. We have covered in the past month and a half a lot of ground. First students learned about the various types of engineers. We then started learning about the different sketching and drawing techniques that engineers use. We ended the first term by completing a puzzle cube project where students had to design, create correct engineering drawing, generate a 3D model, and create the finished product. Many students who struggled with this assignment failed to review the scoring rubric. I find that part of teaching 8th grade is getting students prepared for high school. My 8th grade class is more difficult and rigorous than 6th or 7th and some students are realizing that after completing the puzzle cube project. My bit of advice for all of my 8th grade students is to always read directions and review scoring rubrics for all their assignments.

7th Grade: 

What an amazing 6 weeks it has been. Students have accomplished a lot of work on there creature amps in a very little time. We have not only used 3D modeling software to see how our wood working  project will be put together but we started working on the creature amps. All students had to pass safety tests over various tools. Students are now using all of these tools to construct their creature amp. I am really happy with the progress students have been making. By the end of September the student projects should be complete.

6th Grade: 

It is always sad after only 6 weeks to see my 6th grade students leave. Students learned about engineering, measurement, 3D design, shop safety and how to create their very own wooden dragster. If your son or daughter was on 6-2 camp and had my technology and engineering class 1st term I still have their projects. Please have them pick up their projects as soon as possible.
For my new 2nd term students please turn in your $5 shop fee as soon as possible to the school store.
Students solving their puzzle cube projects.
Creature amps are starting to take shape. 


Monday, September 19, 2016

Projects and More Projects

Documenting various puzzle cube combinations. 

All documentation is going into our engineers notebooks

Brainstorming possible combinations. 
A few happy students. Missouri University of Science and Technology
 sent them back information. 

8th Grade: 

All the pictures above are from our 8th grade class last week. We started and are almost complete with our puzzle cube project. Students had to brainstorm, design, and document the parts of a puzzle cube that they created. Students had criteria and constraints that they had to design around. Though challenging students were required to document all of their work in an engineering notebook as well. I am excited to see the finished product later on this week. 

7th Grade: 

We are in the shop now. All students are working on their creature amps this past week. Students are getting a chance to use many power tools that they have never touched before including power drills, band saws, and drill presses. I will post pictures of the construction process in my next blog. 

6th Grade: 

Students worked on their cars last week and now are seeing the fruits of their labor. Their mini dragsters are complete. We will have a double elimination tournament this week before all 6th grade future pathways students will change to their next elective on the rotation. It is always sad to see the students go.

The finished product. Time to race now. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Engineering...being creative with a plan.

This week in all of my classes students are learning how to create and design with set goals in mind. I love when students are able to be creative and in my classes students get to learn how to be creative but follow certain design rules and constraints. It is really important that students know how to plan, develop, and prototype a design before they begin building.

8th Grade

Students are still working on the different types of drawings engineers use. Students also began documenting in their Gateway Engineering Notebooks their progress. We started the week learning about Isometric and Multi-view/Orthographic drawings. Now students should be familiar with dimensioning  multi-view drawings as well as following a multi-view drawing to create the actual 3D object. I always tell the students it is kind of like a puzzle.

A few weeks ago 8th grade students sent letters to various universities that have engineering degree programs. A few student received a reply form MS&T. It is amazing to see student work turn into something more than just a grade but have real world implications like the college letter assignment. 

7th Grade

We are almost done with our safety tests. Students took a safety test this Friday over the tools they may be using in class. If students missed 3 or more questions I am wanting them to retake the safety test online this weekend. The test can be found on their google classroom. Students also started designing their creature amps. I see a lot of good designs. Next week we should be in the shop working on the projects.

6th Grade

Students leaned how to use a 3D modeling software this week to prototype their dragsters that they will make in class next week. From learning a new program to creating their own plans students are being very creative but also get to think critically about what will make a fast dragster.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Engineering Before a 3 Day Weekend

8th Grade: 

I am very proud of these 8th graders this week. We completed a lot of work in class. Students presented their final prototype they created for the foot orthosis design challenge. We had some amazing designs. One thing that students can work on for the future is documenting design changes in their notes. Most notes were lacking detail and sketches.
Students also started learning how sketching can be an effective communication tool. Students worked on thumbnail sketches, isometric drawings, and multi view/orthographic drawings. It seemed like the students had a lot of fun playing around with the isometric grid paper.
Student Foot Orthosis Prototype 
Learning to use Isometric Grid Paper

Multiview/Orthographic Drawing

7th Grade: 

After a few days using Autodesk Inventor to design their Creature Amps students are now learning about shop safety. We already took a very simple general safety test and next week students will be taking a safety test over the band saw, drill press, power sanders, and the scroll saw. Students will be using all of these tools to create the Creature Amp that they are designing. I really like how this project shows that  we can actually create the objects that we design using tools and power equipment.
Drill Press Safety

6th Grade: 

Students have been working hard on their Air Skimmers. They had to measure and create these skimmers based on particular measurements. By this time students should be able to measure accurately. We are not introducing the 3D modeling software students will be using to design their next project which is a dragster that will be propelled by compressed air.